05 books recommended by Nasim Taleb.

Here is a list of 05 books recommended by Nasim Nicholas Taleb. These are Not in ANY order. It is a list I have accumulated over the years listening to Taleb on his interviews, blogs, videos etc.

  1. Birth of a Theorem: A Mathematical Adventure by Cédric Villani

2 The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less by Barry Schwartz

3. The Tyranny of Experts: Economists, Dictators, and the Forgotten Rights of the Poor by William Easterly

4. Kelly Capital Growth Investment Criterion, The: Theory And Practice by Edward O Thorp

5. The Hour Between Dog and Wolf: Risk-taking, Gut Feelings and the Biology of Boom and Bust by John Coates

Enjoy your weekend.




Mystic Wealth. RA in the Indian secondary markets
Mystic Wealth. RA in the Indian secondary markets

Written by Mystic Wealth. RA in the Indian secondary markets

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