Mind Power.

Its All in the Mind.

Same Action, different Outcome.

Sri Aurobindo in one of his books gave a fascinating example of 3 people not eating food for a period of 3 days at a stretch.

One was a fat man trying his hand at ‘dieting’ to come back in shape, other was a Yogi interested in fasting to improve his meditation and health and the third was a poor man who could not afford a meal.

While the action (03 day fast) was same for ALL three, the OUTCOME, due to circumstances influencing the mind are totally different.

Yogi will experience autophagy, his bad cells will starve, he will become disease free, his meditation prowess would improve manifolds.

The fat man would get into deprival-sacrifice syndrome and over compensate for the lack once he breaks the fast and remain at the same weight.

The poor man would be miserable and develop some nutrition deficiency related diseases.

In other words,


Mother, https://www.sriaurobindoashram.org/mother/

gave another example to bring home the same point, She met an athlete, a gymnast with amazing acrobatic flexibility and yet was physically Sick. Mother noted that Yoga asanas are usually recommended as a successful cure for physical ailments like these and this girl due to her amazing flexibility can do the toughest of them all in her sleep and YET..

When she asked this girl the same question, the reply was precisely what the mother had anticipated, the girl said, ‘she never thought about it that way’.

Again, we see that mind’s perception of the action decides the outcome, not the action in itself.

I have seen this play out in the Gym. Veterans hit a plateau after the low base affect is over and corresponding increase in weights does not add to their muscle. They exercise as if they are going through the motions, a boring routine without any WILL and consciousness.

Only those exercises would make an impact that are done Consciously with full awareness.

It is amazing how all seers of India come to the same conclusion. Reaching the same destination via different paths. Paramhansa Yogananda professes the same truth in his ‘ENERGIZING Exercises’. Those exercises are NOT strenuous at all, in fact on surface might appear trivial and yet, its the intention and the dynamic WILL that changes the outcome completely.

Science is catching up to this Axium now, they are now concluding that its not the amount of weights but the failure (Intention and Will) that counts

Imposter syndrome is the exact opposite of what we are discussing here. A lot of people in the corporate world feel unworthy because of lack of Will and consciousness behind their work.

The idea is to do Everything with full awareness and Mindfulness. If you are climbing stairs to your work, it will have physical, medical benefits (ONLY IF) you are FULLY aware of it. Climb with intention and feel the muscles contracting and expanding.

Without Awareness, you can dig a mountain to no avail (it won’t count). With awareness, a flick of a wrist deposits the ball in the stands.

The best example of this phenomenon is the following clip taken from India Vs Pakistan game.

Watch Virat Kohli’s concentration and watch his EYES, the sheer Will to hit the SIX. Now play both the shots in REPLAY mode and see the Effort used Vs where the ball travelled (Timing).

Anybody who has played the game of cricket would vouch for what I am saying. These sixes were hit by the sheer power of the will. (specially the first six). You don’t hit a fast baller for a straight six on a back of a length slower ball.

Its the Intention that counts.

I have seen numerous such examples in my own profession. Average or mediocre results for those who are going through the motions compared with stupendous success for those who are doing their work with complete awareness and intention.

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